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One Page Business Plan Advanced Course
Welcome (8.56) (8:56)
The Habits (4.19) (4:19)
The Barriers to growth (7.56) (7:55)
Download (PDF): One Page Business Plan
Download (PDF): Gazelles glossary of terms
Welcome Cash (2.48) (2:48)
Cash Conversion Cycle (19.26) (19:26)
Cash Flow Tools (12.41) (12:40)
Profitability Analysis (8.42) (8:41)
Labour Efficiency Ratio (8.13) (8:13)
Power of One (14.44) (14:44)
Working Capital (5.27) (5:26)
Fuelling your Growth (11.52) (11:51)
Conclusion Cash (4.16) (4:15)
Welcome People (8.51) (8:51)
Function Accountability Chart (FACe) (25.44) (25:43)
Topgrading and Talent Assessment (38.08) (38:07)
Download (PDF): Talent assessment
Multipliers (17.48) (17:47)
Building a successful sales force (18.44) (18:26)
Conclusion People (4.09) (4:09)
Welcome Strategy (5.41) (5:41)
Core Values (20.25) (20:25)
Core Customer (20.27) (20:26)
Core Purpose (15.31) (15:30)
Core Competencies (13:14)
Attribute map (18:04)
Brand Promise (17:43)
Profit per X (7:05)
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) (12:43)
Actions to live by (10:29)
3-5 year targets (3:21)
Sandbox (7:02)
Key thrusts / capabilities (9:24)
Conclusion Strategy (8:07)
Welcome Execution (5:29)
Rockefeller Habits Checklist (33:13)
People & Process Drivers (6:10)
1 Year financial goals (6:08)
1 Year key initiatives - annual priorities (2:50)
1 Year critical number & counterbalance number (9:01)
Quarterly actions (3:12)
Quarterly rocks and Critical Numbers (10:11)
Theme (10:15)
Individual KPI's (4:14)
Individual Priorities & Critical Numbers (3:42)
Meeting rhythm (20:05)
Dashboards and tracking (10:49)
Conclusion Execution (9:46)
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Brand Promise
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